What is Applied Improvisation?

Applied Improvisation draws lessons from the arts (e.g. comedy, jazz and theatre) and utilizes them for non-theatrical or non-performance applications. In 2014, AIN set out to understand the functional definition, principles and practices of applied improvisation. Experts in the field helped us write this definition: The use of principles, tools, practices, skills and mindsets of improvisational theater in non-theatrical settings, that may result in personal development, team building, creativity, innovation, and/or meaning. (Read the study here!)

Benefits of Applied Improvisation: Collaboration, Confidence & Creation

Applied improvisation assumes creativity happens collaboratively by using the principle of short turn taking between individuals in the group. In an atmosphere of positive purpose, everyone is encouraged to contribute. Fear, suspicion and anxiety are replaced with focus, creativity and sense of collaboration. This approach allows individuals, groups and organizations to release their creative potential and over time, increase confidence.

The Benefits of Membership

As a member of AIN, you are a pioneer in the exciting field of Applied Improvisation.  AIN is the Applied Improvisation Network, a generous and inclusive community of fellow practitioners. Members are co-creating this fast-developing field with applications in business, academia, and humanitarian groups. As a member, you, too, can contribute and tap into our global collective wisdom for inspiration and growth.

Become an AIN Member

Annual Global Conferences

Each year, we come together to celebrate and explore the dynamic world of applied improvisation. Our global conference offers a rich experience, featuring incredible workshops, insightful keynote speakers sharing their expertise and vision, and a wide array of amazing sessions delving into diverse applications of improv techniques. It's a unique opportunity to connect with fellow enthusiasts, learn from leading professionals, and discover new ways to leverage the power of improvisation.

Learn more about our annual conference