2005 AIN Global Conference:
Everyday Epiphanies (Brooklyn, USA)



Putting It All Together: An Instructional Design Clinic (Preconference 1)
Kat Koppett, Matthew Richter

Do you have fabulous content that you wish to deliver in a more interactive way? Terrific activities that you wish to support with deeper debriefs or specific subject matter? An old saw-horse of a program that needs revitalizing? The germ of an idea that needs fleshing out? In this workshop, the facilitators and participants will share their expertise in training techniques, improv activities, and human development content. Participants will leave with exciting, effective, coherent, stimulating and marketable workshops of their very own. Whether you are an applied improv novice or a jaded, old-time practitioner, this clinic is for you.

Performing The Brand: Perspectives on how improv practices can help the marketing, innovation, and internal culture of a brand. (Preconference 2)

This day long session will help anyone who is responsible for brand development, marketing, or shaping internal brand culture. Improv and business practitioners that want to apply improv to the vast world of brands will learn a number of new and practical tools for helping their clients.

The session will be lead by a collaborative group of improv and business facilitators that are on the leading edge of brand exploration.

Living The Brand and Walking The Talk- How to turn brand language into action
Gary Hirsch & Brad Robertson from On Your Feet

In this section we will explore methods for helping individuals, organizations, and brands communicate who they are through what they DO. In particular we will look at aspects of: organizational culture, brand action, alignment in communication, individual values in relation to organizational values, ideation of new products, process, and actions. In addition We’ll share stories of this work in action with client such as Nike, EA, Proctor & Gamble, The Portland Trail Blazers and others. In addition we will probably touch on a number of application exercises with odd names like The OYF Story Plotter, and The Fisherman’s Game to name a few.

Branding as a Performance
Denzil Meyers & Alain Rostain from Widget Wonder, Performance of a Lifetime & Creative Advantage

In this section we will look at what performatory psychology and the principles of improv have to say about building a differentiated brand. We will explore how a brand promise and aspects of a brand's implementation can be leveraged to help employees direct their own performances in a way that supports an authentic and effective expression of the brand. And we'll sometimes use shorter sentences too. And we'll play and have a great time.


Main Conference

Playing with Purpose: Authentic Leadership Through Inter-Play
Diane Saliba Ault, Montanez A. Wade, Mary Kipp, Michele Flynn 

What is Leadership if not the Interplay of everything we have become or hope to be? In this workshop you will play to locate and express your authentic voice. Experience an internal shift. Discover new tools for enhancing your leadership skills. Through movement, song, spoken word and stillness, participants will discover the power, joy and creative energy of having more access to your true voice. Come play to bring deeper meaning to your work life.

Collaborative Myth
Randy Dixon

What do the stories we tell say about us? In a world of metaphor and symbol, how does story operate in our lives? What do the images tell us about the state around us? We can learn about our culture, wishes, and obstacles through the stories we tell and the images that are conjured through narrative. The workshop is about connecting the whole body as storyteller and using each other to bring those stories to life.

Whose Game Is It Anyway? Diversity Awareness and Tools for Trainers, Educators, Facilitators and Improv Instigators of All Stripes
Sheree Galpert, Lynn Grasberg

"Those who think it's a level playing field usually have box seats." Anonymous

Where are you sitting? In this session, we'll look at how to make the training/working environment more inclusive by: exploring the dynamics of power and privilege in our client organizations and our own trainings; challenging our assumptions about race, class, physical difference, gender, age, sexual orientation, etc; role playing difficult situations; and adapting improv techniques using diversity filters.

The Use Of Masks With Workshops and Meetings
William Hall 

Throughout history all mankind has worn a mask. What makes this ubiquitous and enigmatic element (tool, art or spiritual icon?) a part of the human experience? William Hall will talk about how Fratelli Bologna has used masks in workshops and performances. The participants will then work with his masks to explore how they change the way we relate to ourselves and others as well as heighten the intensity of any event.

Executive Coaching: The Improviser's Advantage
Paul Z Jackson, Janine Waldman

If you are wondering how to put your improvisation skills to increasing professional use, coaching is one of the growing areas of work in which improvisers have some great advantages. Learn from experienced executive coach Janine Waldman and trainer/consultant Paul Z Jackson how coaching and improv meet in theory and practice.

Creativity in Business: Improvisation for Inspiration, Ideation and Innovation in the Workplace
Michelle James

Principles of improvisation can inform a creative business culture. This experiential session focuses on using improvisational theater and movement in novel ways for unleashing personal and group creativity and setting the stage for a creative climate. You will experience improv variations specifically for awakening creative inspiration, idea generation, innovation, and team co-creativity in the work place. We'll look at weaving improvisation into larger innovation culture initiatives and we'll do some real time experimenting.

The Joy of Singing (Opening Sesssion)
Warren Lyons, John Scaringi, Lee Stickler 

Intro to Joy of Singing!™ is the streamlined 90-minute version of our three-day Signature Workshop. It is 100% participatory. Using improvisation, live piano music and easy Pop and Broadway songs, students are encouraged to acknowledge their fears while affirming their strengths. In a major shift to right-brain thinking, creativity is expanded in a safe environment. Stress is reduced through humor and the sharing of emotions and experiences. Participants will challenge their ability to risk through group and solo singing.

No musical ability is required.

“Joy of Singing!™ taught me what to do with an audience and with my life!” - – Marianne Williamson

“As effective for professionals as it is for those who have longed to carry a tune or speak in public. Deceptively fun and lighthearted, it inspires profound personal and career insights, and has changed my life for the better.” – Mark Bryan, co-founder of The Artist's Way

“Joy of Singing!™ loosens that muscle that holds all our self-expression and artistry! I’ve done it twice. Its value is enormous! After 25 years, I continue to be a pitchman for Joy of Singing!™, recommending it all the time.” – Jeff Bridges

Teaching Kindness: Improv as a Venue for Values
Patricia Ryan Madson

When we are hired to teach improvisation skills for business and corporate purposes we have a unique opportunity. While most customers sign on for techniques and strategies that will make them more creative and profitable, improvising holds out the possibility of helping individuals to become less self-centered and more focused on the needs of others. In this session Patricia Madson will discuss morality and business practice.

Manifesting the Learning
Andrew Welch

A review of experiential education facilitation and debriefing techniques as applied to theatrical improvisation activities

You selected the right activities, they embraced the unexpected, and the learning moments were as plentiful as the laughs. Now how do you get your participants to identify those moments and turn them into real life changes? Experiential education facilitators have been honing that craft for decades. This session will review their best practices so you can immediately heighten the effectiveness of improvisation as a learning tool (and consequently your value) in a business setting.